We heard the whispers of permanence, a life fully and abundantly vitalized, occasionally realized, an aged cabernet residing inauspiciously in our presence, uncorked and breathing, prepared to emit its maturity, eons of experience exerting its personality, its bearing, an opportunity to celebrate its lineage and tutelage, the vintner masterfully imbuing it with its vibrancy, nurturing it with patience and prescience, instilling it with a character, a fortitude, a distinction – its parental support yielding to an equally attentive sommelier, its mentor, if you will, not to prescind, but to couple its individual nature with companionship, protecting it from unwarranted or unfortunate pairings, enhancing the viticulture with the promise of a savory, communion, ambience, and interconnection, the intricate relationships contrapuntally situated in the sharing of the tannins - acidic, oaky, bitter, balanced, or bold - differing demeanors mellowed at times by its companions in taste, enhanced at other times by them, the shared swirling eliciting considerable aromas – of nut, of fruit, of mineral – heralding the savoring of thoughtful, complex tastes symbolic of a secure individual, periodically pondering its purpose to transcend the mundane - the empirical - and touch the timeless.
Realizing that our questions surpass our answers, we Eye more than the present – Toasting independence, moving our children from Islands to peninsulas and beyond, Reaching for more than themselves, Emerging from the ether or promise, Momentarily rejoicing the Energy of our youth, their journeys, Noting their contributions to our lives and ours to theirs, Transcending the tyranny of time.
Mesmerized by the passage, the progress, a cruise unmeasured, unplanned, bruising with the unpredictable spin of riptides and brisk swells, blessed with the swing of teasing ebb tides that excite or temper precipitation, honing natant contours – the artist portending a canvas, even as the image issues, conceiving aurora as sunfalls – shimmering, glimmering – refracting prism-like, defying dusk sketching dawn, soliciting clarity – a shade of surety latent within our weathered personalities, God cherishing an Olympiad of heart, a festivity of spirit.
Her presence presumes a context a moment of inspiration, an image inspirited with life imbued with love perfected by a weathering rendition, leading to a most surpassing serenity never absent in a mind constructed, perhaps wired, through relationship cemented restored beyond the physical, promise presentiment everlasting love
We invite the idea in, the aperture wide open, the shutter speed slow, not for reward nor for gain - more because it exists - it's in need of a context we partially provide - an evolving conception full of promise and hope, development in process - an image crystallizing and fixed, invigorating our own lives and imaginations.
Like Baucis and Philemon, we provide it with sustenance, nourishing its mind and soul, apprehending in the emulsions a distinctive ego - yearning to learn - to expand its perceptions, to discern that which is concealed.
The snapshots spiral from incarnation to incarnation, little time to frame them - flipping like an old film, occasionally freezing a shot in memory. The mind becomes memory - mindful magic perpetuated in a mental web.